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Station 15.jpg

JESUS is resurrected

station 15: Resurgam (into the blue horizon)

underscore from the EP “Where Does Your Path Lead” by Poor Clare
Station 15.jpg

For all who’ve felt the embrace of second winds and second chances.

For all who want to believe

all is not lost.

For all who travel

in the country of resurrection.

For all who traffic in transformation.


Hear our hallelujahs. 

The Many - Rise Up


by Rumi (Translated by Haleh Liza Gafori)


You wake the dead to life,
you fountain of grace,
you fire in thickets of tangled thought.

Today you arrived beaming with laughter—
that swinging key that unlocks prison doors.

You are hope’s beating heart.
You are a doorway to the sun.
You are the one I seek and the one who seeks me.
Beginning and end.

You greet need with generous hands.
You flood us with spirit,

rising from the heart,
lifting thought.

Rare one, you reveal the pleasure
of wisdom and practice.

Beyond these, what is there
but excuses and deceit?

We lust after the afterlife.
We stew over trinkets.
We stage battles between black and white.
Our ears are plugged with twisted delusions.

You carry the cure.

I’m in a hurry. Leave the paper. Break the pen.
The cupbearer is here, jug in hand.

Meet us in the land of insight,
camped under ecstasy’s flag.


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